What's on during Week 1 - Term 4 Programme?
Wednesday, 16 October - Pīpīwhararuaroa Kapa Haka Festival
Thursday, 18 October - New Zealand Coastline - Year 5 and 6 Mairangi Bay Beach Trip
Friday, 19 October - Welcome Back Assembly 2pm start ALL WELCOME
Please remember to check the school calendar for potential changes.
Ngā mihi
Mairangi Bay School
Sports Programme - Term 4
Wednesday, 27 November- Cluster Athletics.
If you have any questions about sport please contact:
In-school Sport: Di Kruyen at dianek@mairangibay.school.nz
After-school Sport: Rebecca Hale at sports@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity during October
2 October - Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
2 October - Rosh Hashanah
3-12 October - Dashain
9-13 October - Durga Puja
12 October - Vijay Dashami
12 October - Yom Kippur
13 October - White Sunday
17 October - Kathina
20 October - Gurgaddi of Guru Granth Sahib
24 October United Nations Day
25 October - Simchat Torah
28 October - Oxi Day
29 October - Teacher Celebration Day
31 October - Deepavali - Diwali
31 October - Halloween
If you are celebrating a cultural event during the month of October and it is not in the above list, please contact the Principal at nathanj@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity at Mairangi Bay School as we "learn together to create a better tomorrow".