Important Notices

  • What's on during Week 1 Term 1 Programme?

    Friday, 7 February - Whanaungatanga Day - Meet your teacher/whanau interviews (bookings only)

    Monday, 10 February - Welcome to Term 1 2025

    Thursday, 13 February - Mihi Whakatau - Welcome new students whānau and staff

    Friday, 14 February - Years 5-6 Watery Safety Programme at MISH

    Please remember to check the school calendar for potential changes.

    Ngā mihi

    Mairangi Bay School

  • Sports Programme - Term 1 2025

    Years 5-6 Miniball Trials: Wednesday, 12 February 12:30pm-1:30pm in the school hall

    Years 4-6 Girls Smash Cricket: 27 February

    Years 5-6 Netball Trials: Wednesday, 5 March 12:30pm-1:30pm in the school netball courts

    Years 1-6 Auckland Cricket Lessons: 10 March - 19 March

    Tennis Cluster Day: Thursday, 13 March - All Day at Campbells Bay Tennis Club

    Competitive Swimming Day: 18 March - 8:30am-12:30pm

    If you have any questions about sport please contact:

    In-school Sport: Di Kruyen at

    After-school Sport: Rebecca Hale at

  • Celebrating our diversity during February.

    6 February - Waitangi Day
    12 February - Lantern Festival
    13 February - Shrove Tuesday
    14 February - Ash Wednesday
    14 February - Valentine's Day
    15 February - Nirvana Day
    26 February - Maha Shivaratri
    27-29 February - Ramadan

    If you are celebrating a cultural event during the month of February, and it is not in the above list, please contact the Principal at

    Celebrating our diversity at Mairangi Bay School as we "learn together to create a better tomorrow".