What's on during Week 1 Term 1 Programme?
Friday, 7 February - Whanaungatanga Day - Meet your teacher/whanau interviews (bookings only)
Monday, 10 February - Welcome to Term 1 2025
Thursday, 13 February - Mihi Whakatau - Welcome new students whānau and staff
Friday, 14 February - Years 5-6 Watery Safety Programme at MISH
Please remember to check the school calendar for potential changes.
Ngā mihi
Mairangi Bay School
Sports Programme - Term 1 2025
Years 5-6 Miniball Trials: Wednesday, 12 February 12:30pm-1:30pm in the school hall
Years 4-6 Girls Smash Cricket: 27 February
Years 5-6 Netball Trials: Wednesday, 5 March 12:30pm-1:30pm in the school netball courts
Years 1-6 Auckland Cricket Lessons: 10 March - 19 March
Tennis Cluster Day: Thursday, 13 March - All Day at Campbells Bay Tennis Club
Competitive Swimming Day: 18 March - 8:30am-12:30pm
If you have any questions about sport please contact:
In-school Sport: Di Kruyen at dianek@mairangibay.school.nz
After-school Sport: Rebecca Hale at sports@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity during February.
6 February - Waitangi Day
12 February - Lantern Festival
13 February - Shrove Tuesday
14 February - Ash Wednesday
14 February - Valentine's Day
15 February - Nirvana Day
26 February - Maha Shivaratri
27-29 February - Ramadan
If you are celebrating a cultural event during the month of February, and it is not in the above list, please contact the Principal at nathanj@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity at Mairangi Bay School as we "learn together to create a better tomorrow".